Behaviour and training: Mistakes in your puppy’s education may lead to long-term behavioural problems.
Feeding: Adapting the feeding program as your puppy grows helps to prevent developmental growth problems and is particularly important in large breed dogs.
Dental care: As your puppy ages, the deciduous teeth (milk teeth) will fall out. Any remaining milk teeth need to be removed to prevent long-term damage to the permanent teeth.
Parasite control: Use parasite protection you can trust. Control fleas and ticks with FRONTLINE PLUS or FRONTLINE SPRAY. For control of both internal and external parasites, NexGard SPECTRA® for Dogs provides the most complete protection against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm and worms, all in one tasty monthly chew.
Vaccinations: Vaccinate your puppy and keep up to date with booster vaccinations as recommended by your vet.
Desexing: Desexing of both dogs and bitches at an early age may reduce their chance of having certain types of cancers later in life, as well as reducing roaming, and preventing unwanted matings. Speak with your vet for more information on desexing.
Microchipping: Ensure you puppy is microchipped – if they are already microchipped when you acquire them, remember to update owner and contact details as soon as possible.